• Locksmith emergency
    for Prague and surroundings
  • 24 hours a day
    7 days a week
  • 775 180 299 nonstop line


Opening slammed doors:

Opening slammed doors on weekdays from 7:00-17:00 ranges from 1200 CZK to 1800 CZK depending on the door type; price includes technician dispatch, labor, and VAT

Classic slammed doors (aluminum, bakelite plate) 800 CZK
Slammed doors with security hardware (R1, 802, 807, etc.) 800 CZK
Slammed security doors-next, sherlock/plastic/euro doors 900 CZK
Slammed doors — key inside, opened with spare key 900 CZK
Slammed doors with strip locks, self-locking locks 1200 CZK

Opening locked doors:

Locked with shaped key, lever key 900 CZK
Locked with sec. hardware 802, 807 1000 CZK
Locked with sec. hardware R1, R3 1200 CZK
Locked with additional lock 1572, etc. 1200 CZK
Locked with additional lock OS2, EVVA 1500 CZK
Locked bolts, bars using a key 2000 CZK
Locked bolts, bars without a key 2800 CZK
Locked security door, top lock 1500 CZK
Locked security door, bottom lock 1500 CZK
Locked cylinders (Evva, Guard, Mut-lock, etc.) 1500 CZK
Locked mailbox, cabinet lock 600 CZK
Broken latch bolt 1200 CZK

Replacement, installation, and other repairs:

Cylinder/lock replacement 500 CZK
Mortise lock replacement 500 CZK
Cylinder replacement for security doors 600-800 CZK
Additional lock cylinder replacement 600 CZK
Replacement model Atra, Cisa, Mottura 900 CZK
Strip lock replacement and strike adjustment 1400 CZK
Installation of R1, R3 hardware 900 CZK
Installation of additional lock 1572, etc. 1200 CZK
Installation of security bar 2800 CZK
Installation of security lock (double-wing doors) 5400 CZK
Installation of self-locking locks 1800 CZK
Breaking cylinder without a key 800 CZK
Removing a broken key from cylinder 800 CZK

Opening cars/vehicles:

Non-destructive car opening up to 2000 900 CZK
Non-destructive car opening up to 2005 (without spec/safe) 1200 CZK
Non-destructive car opening up to 2005 (with spec/safe) 1400 CZK
Opening cars from 2006 to 2015 (without spec/safe) 1500 CZK
Opening cars from 2006 to 2021 (with spec/safe) 1500 – 2500 CZK

Other services:

Safe/vault opening by agreement
Welding services by agreement
Hourly rate 600 CZK

Travel, flat fees, surcharges:

Technician dispatch – operational cost in Prague 700 CZK
Technician dispatch – operational cost outside Prague 200 – 900 CZK depending on km
Each additional transport 200 CZK
Waiting time for customer, every started 30 minutes 200 CZK
After-hours surcharge from 17:00 – 22:00 +50%
Night service from 22:00 – 07:00 +100%
Weekend work (Saturday and Sunday) +50%
Holiday work (Christmas, New Year’s, etc…) +100%

Note: Prices are indicative and shown in CZK excluding materials, dispatch, and VAT.
12% VAT for residential sector
21% VAT for non-residential sector
When summing items, dispatch is counted only once


The nonstop locksmith price list includes unit items covering only the labor. Locksmith services performed outside working hours are subject to a surcharge. The costs of locksmith components can generally be reliably calculated on-site for each specific project.

Each project has unique implementation and technological specifics that affect material consumption or quality requirements. Locksmith service prices may be partially affected by individual project parameters, especially its scope.

Call NONSTOP Locksmith and EMERGENCY SERVICE for Prague and the Central Bohemia region, and we will find the optimal solution based on your requirements, leading to your satisfaction.